Client stories


Miami, Florida

I was referred to Susan by a friend in Australia. She recommended Susan's matrix therapy to help curb my sugar addictions. After having such a good experience with her in this first session, I decided to consider some of her more in depth services around conscious clearing. I was skeptical because I am based in Miami, and I would be having intense conversations over zoom calls. Would the connection be good? Would it feel as authentic as it would be in person? Was this legit? These all crossed my mind.

After the first session, I realized I was genuinely making one of the best investments in myself that I could. Through Susan's sessions, I revisited my past to rework my present experience altogether across my relationships with my family, friends, career, romantic relationships, and most importantly, myself. There were times where I honestly wondered if the things I was tapping into were just ridiculous things off the top of my head just to get through it, but time and time again, I proved my skepticism wrong. I had a breakthrough moment every session.

Being a person who does a lot of self-work through reading, spiritual practices, yoga, and all of the above, I thought there was nothing I didn't know. Yet the breakthroughs I had really allowed me to flip the table on my perspective across these areas and allowed me to speak and live my truth more freely. It's manifested itself in a relationship where I can finally feel free to be me, going for a job that's more in line with my purpose and having more authentic relationships with everyone around me in general.

What's unique about this style with Susan is that it taps into the law of attraction and the more spiritual, new age side of practices vs. a more traditional approach. After this experience, I believe everyone needs and deserves therapy. I would recommend working with Susan as it has indeed marked a positive turning point in my life.


munich, germany

If you have the feeling something in your life is continuously and repeatedly going wrong and you just don’t know how to change it - going through the ‚matrix process‘ with Susan is eye opening.

Incredibly gentle and careful Susan guides you through each step of the process and let’s you tap deep into your (old) beliefs, feelings and experiences beginning from early childhood on. With the result to free you of ‚the old programming‘ and let go of your old beliefs.

I don’t know how to put in words, but I felt so much more free and stronger, right after the session.

Such wonderful experience and change in my life.

Thank you so much Susan.


chicago, illinois

Since I began Matrix Therapy with Susan, there hasn’t been one week between sessions where I didn’t experience a release and/or empowered perception of something, as well as courage to do things I held back for years due to insecurities, fears, et al.

The key is, however, not to go searching for these “pops,” as I like to call them. Just do your life. You’ll see.

Oh, I really just want everyone I know to do this work! You don’t have to be going through something difficult to benefit greatly from Matrix Therapy. And if you already feel great, wouldn’t it be awesome to feel even greater?

We all have tapes playing in our heads, things we were taught that haven’t served our highest potential. I happen to be someone with a very dark past, and if this therapy is working little miracles in me, it will in anyone.

You have to be patient, trust, and just do the session. Susan has it under control. She exudes light, joy, and compassion. She is humble, down to earth, and so supportive. And unlike a lot of others in her field of work, she expresses genuinely pure joy for my recoveries. She isn’t just doing her job and saying what she’s “supposed” to say -“Oh, good for you, I’m so happy for you, yay, rah rah…” yada yada yada. I can feel the happiness bubbling up inside her.

It’s really lovely working with someone who I know actually does care. Feeling that kind of supportive safety has made all the difference. I am blessed to have found her!