Matrix Therapies

What if you could change the way you act, think and feel every day? 

What if you could have a better relationship with self and the world around you?

Matrix therapies is based on clearing negative emotions and beliefs that surround events in the past so to change behavioural patterns in the present.

Matrix therapies has the ability to clear complex structures of emotions and beliefs at the one time. It is all embedded in our unconscious mind. It focuses on the complex programming that we adopted from our parents, experiences and influences, which may limit our potential with regard to our relationship with self, career, money and relationships.

It is surprising just how many of our parents habits and beliefs are imbedded in our unconscious mind, and effect seemingly unrelated behaviours.

How are you really? What would make you happy? What could be better? I want to know.

How are you really? What would make you happy? What could be better? I want to know.

There is an entire universe in our unconscious mind

There is an entire universe in our unconscious mind

When a current event reminds people of the past, they find themselves behaving like they did when they were a child, and they feel disempowered and un-resourceful when we heal these events, they have their adult resources available and can think clearly and objectively.

When we store emotions in our unconscious mind they form a memory file (gestalt) based on a common theme or emotion. When gestalts are triggered, all the associated emotions from the events that created become present in the moment, whether the current event warrants it or not. Gestalts can also be referred to as ‘emotional baggage’

Our thoughts and patterns of behaviour create a matrix of interference patterns on our brain and body. When light or consciousness shines through this matrix, our nature is holographically projected out into the world, creating our reality.

What we attract into our lives is based on the matrix gestalts stored in the unconscious mind and the focus of our consciousness.

We work together to reprogram the mind and resolve the past.


Understand why am I like this? Why am I behaving like this? Matrix gives us the how.

Gain insight and understanding as to what is driving all your habits, thoughts, beliefs and behaviours. People try to change their behaviours with willpower, using only a small part of the brain capacity, using effort and it is not easy to change automatic habits and our old ways, not looking at behaviours, beliefs and thought patterns and what drives these behaviours, reactions and choices in the first place.

To make change we must be willing to come home to self , to go deeper and take a different approach. The unconscious will take the path of least resistance, it becomes our shortcut, it is the most automatic natural thing to do (even if we do not like it), so we reveal that which people cannot see which gives awareness, empowerment, we understand our reactions and our choices and how we interact with our environment, allowing you to naturally make new choices in alignment with your authentic self.

We remove that which people cannot see that are causing them to have limitations, emotions and beliefs holding them back from true happiness and opening them up to new possibilities.

We assist you to expand beyond the limits that you are currently unaware of that have created mental prisons and constraints.

We awaken new levels of awareness, redesigning the unconscious mind that drives human behaviour, and creates our personal world. Making the unconscious conscious so you can create your life intentionally, giving greater freedom of choice.

the process

We work together on Zoom or in person. You just need a space where you can sit comfortably and quietly. Once we have discussed your story, and what could be better for you, I put together a session outline tailored to give you what you need and desire.

Each new session we start by discussing what is happening for you since our last session, then we can work through what is happening for you right now (relationships, work, business, decisions, wellbeing), as you start to change the world around you can shift and change, presenting you new experiences, you also create new experiences in your life as you start to respond differently to the world around you. I support and guide you through these so you can keep expanding and/ or we work through something on our session outline. I guide you with the options and you have the opportunity to choose your journey.

Through the processes, you simply relax, easily and effortlessly follow my guide, you cannot do it incorrectly.

We dive deep and bring the light on the make up of humans beings, giving us the how and why we do the things that we do, then we get the opportunity to resolve it and let it go. We become aware of specific patterns giving you current outcomes.

My heart does a happy dance with each clients break though and transformation between sessions

My heart does a happy dance with each clients break though and transformation between sessions

Clearing one thing can clear many things at once - repressed memories and emotions that are effecting your decisions, thoughts and behaviours. We are clearing out the unconscious mind. This is how we create profound long lasting change. Otherwise we continue to run old programmes and patterns. For example if we feel unworthy, the unconscious mind will give us the emotions and experiences to feel unworthy.

We transform the relationship with the world, the relationship with each aspect of your life and the relationship with self.

We can then work on the future and goals when you are ready to see the future with your new eyes.

As your world can shift and change between sessions, I am available via text and phone to support you in these new experiences or different ways of relating to old experiences. I do a happy dance with each breakthrough and transformation. I also send you your session learnings and resources via email, you can hand write these into a little notebook for your referral and insights into self. These are your gems of personal wisdom.

Are you at cause or effect for your life? Responsibility for change is yours. You are the creator of your world. The key is in your hand.

If you would like to find out more, book in an introductory session, so we can meet, give you more information and get all your questions answered.

These are no cost and no obligation. I look forward to meeting you.

Let your journey begin…….