Love and respect. Always.

Teacher Ethics and Student Guidelines.

The code of ethics and student guidelines are undertakings we as a community take to treat each other with kindness, trust and respect. It exists to ensure that all members of the community, whether they are a student, teacher or practitioner, are aware of the duties we owe to each other so that we can create a safe and enjoyable space for everyone to grow and learn. We are all accountable to each other and have internal processes to support this commitment. We encourage feedback about our own methods and behaviour—and take that feedback seriously. If you have any experiences, feedback, or concerns please write to us through contacts (this can be done anonymously).

Teacher Code of Ethics

The following for both teachers and our community have been modelled after the Association for Spiritual Integrity’s recommended guidelines.


  • In all moments we are committed to being self-aware, open, and humble about the limitations of our knowledge and experience.

  • Acknowledging that, regardless of our experience as meditators and teachers, we are human beings with human personalities and also limitations.

  • When speaking of what we teach we only make realistic statements regarding the benefits of our practices, courses, and other offerings.

  • We acknowledge and respect the rights of a student to make a complaint or express concern and will take all steps necessary to resolve any conflict that arises.

  • We know the power and importance of all meditation techniques, and respect all other teachers and practices. We work collaboratively with other practitioners to ensure our students have the best experience possible.

  • We are all accountable to each other and have internal processes to support this commitment. We encourage feedback about our own methods and behaviour—and take that feedback seriously. If you have any experiences, feedback, or concerns please contact us (this can be done anonymously).


  • We respect all student’s life experiences regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, physical ability, sexual preferences, political or religious affiliation.

  • We acknowledge that there is a power imbalance between the teacher and student, and we will ensure that no member of our team harasses or exploits students in any way.

  • We do not abuse the trust of students to obtain sexual gratification, money, free labor, or other personal benefits. We are particularly mindful of sexual boundaries with students—and honour them at all times.

  • Our intention as teachers is to foster autonomy, empowerment, self-sufficiency, and emotional maturity in our students. We do not condone practices that create dependency between a teacher and a student.

  • We acknowledge our boundaries and limitations as teachers, and will refrain from giving counsel in matters outside of our areas of training and expertise. We make appropriate referrals as needed.

  • We will communicate to all students in a clear, kind and compassionate way.

  • We endeavour to be considerate of all mental, emotional and physical needs of students.

  • The Meditation Place is committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. We will ensure that all our kids programs take place in a safe and supportive environment.


  • We treat all information provided in courses, group meditations and retreats as confidential.

  • We respect the right of every person to share their story and have it be kept private.

  • We do not share personal information without consent.


  • We welcome all members of the community and seek to create spaces that are inclusive and safe.

  • Where possible we teach from spaces that are accessible for all persons.

Student Guidelines

These guidelines seek to: 

  • help students to know what behaviour is healthy and helpful for their own growth along their path;

  • offer understanding that teachers and students alike are evolutionary beings, and human; that healthy student-teacher relationships can flourish;

  • encourage students to examine the health and integrity of their relationship with their teachers and teachings; and

  • safeguard the integrity of the student-teacher relationship.

  • Students are invited to understand that teachers and students alike are human and therefore always subject to growth, both personally and professionally. Growth has no end; it is a characteristic of our humanity.

  • If and when ethical grievances arise between a student and teacher or within the community, great care should be taken to ensure open and clear communication, so that all parties learn, grow, heal and evolve in a mature way. If students have something they would like to raise about a teacher, all communication will be treated as confidential. We would ask that you bring any and all issues to us directly so that we have the opportunity to learn and grow.

  • Spiritual teachers have professional limitations. Sometimes additional support systems are required to help students progress. Other support systems should be considered by all students to supplement their meditation path; e.g. seeking professional guidance and help from practitioners outside the meditation space such as psychologists, relationship coaches and body-based practitioners. We teach Vedic meditation as a practice and offer guidance in Vedic wisdom, but we do not hold ourselves to having other qualifications unless expressly stated.

  • We deeply respect and acknowledge all traditions, and would ask that our students do the same. Please refrain from dismissing, criticising or rejecting other teachers or traditions.

  • Students are encouraged to develop an awareness and responsibility for any projections, and in particular placing their teacher on a pedestal. We would also ask that students learn to develop an awareness and responsibility to not project their reality or experience onto a teacher or another member of the community.

  • The Meditation Place is deeply committed to nurturing our community, but in this role we must have personal boundaries. Students should be aware that the teacher/student relationship does not entail a personal friendship. A friendship may develop but that is a mutual decision and the roles will be clearly outlined and communicated on. We would encourage students to notice any expectations or attachments to teachers outside of their role.

  • Students will not enter community events, advanced courses or retreats with the intention of finding a date, hooking up, exploring sexual intimacy or as an opportunity to meet romantic partners. We would ask that you respect the intentions of everyone present and seek to create a safe space for all participants involved, including teachers.

  • Students and teachers will keep confidential the processes and experiences of other students shared during courses, group meditations and any other private gatherings. Teachers are obliged to make it known to students when meetings are audio and/or video recorded.

  • Students are allowed to leave a retreat or group at any time. Students should not surrender their personal authority or independence to any teacher. We encourage students to think with discernment, do personal study and research and learn from other teachers if they feel.

  • Students should take full responsibility for their own journey and seek to learn more about ‘spiritual bypassing’ - or using teachings to avoid looking at their own behaviour. We are desiring to create a cohesive and open community and will not tolerate ill intent or overlook overtly damaging behaviour.

  • No two paths are the same, and students are asked to refrain from judging or condemning different experiences. We would also encourage students to avoid ‘experience envy’, and know that where they are at in their own journey is perfect for them.