Susan/ Suzie/ Suz (I go by many names :) )Vedic Meditation Teacher | Mind Coach | Matrix Therapy and NLP Master Practitioner

Susan/ Suze

Vedic Meditation Teacher | Mind Coach | Matrix Therapy and NLP Master Practitioner


Welcome to The Meditation Place.

I am Suz, Susan, Suze (I go by many names:). I am a Vedic Meditation Teacher, Master Practitioner of Matrix therapy and NLP, Reiki practitioner and Hypnotherapist.

I find great happiness in supporting people to live their best life, free of stress, tension, fatigue, limiting beliefs and mental prisons. I want people to feel free, grounded, calm, happy, loveable, worthy and capable to create the life they desire. To be able to live with a clear mind and an open heart.

It is my greatest joy to share these powerful techniques and witness my clients transformation and journey.

I have been part the Vedic Meditation community for over 10 years, when I first discovered this meditation technique, from there my journey and thirst for this wisdom continued, diving into Vedic knowledge and practices, and becoming a teacher.

I had the desire to meditate for a long time, I tried so many meditation techniques which all felt difficult and did not resonate with me. When I explaining my trouble with all the practices I had tried to a friend, it was suggested that I investigate a place in her building, she said ‘I don't know what they do every week, all I know is everyone leaves there really blissful and happy.

That was enough for me, I wanted some of that juiciness, so without hesitation I researched the details of the place in the building, went that evening to meet the teacher, the next morning at 6am I received my mantra and had my first experience of Vedic meditation and WOW!.

It felt like cheating meditation, so easy, so powerful, so immediate. I was in awe of how incredible this practice was. 10 years on I am still meditating, could not live without it, I am so proud to be able to have this gift of Vedic Meditation to share with others.

Learning about psychology, language, neuroscience, epigenetics, cymatics, consciousness, science, our human make up, the layers and mechanics of emotions and behaviours has been a long term fascination. I have been studying this for over 15 years and will always continue.

I am a mind coach, working with clients to tap into their unconscious mind that is driving all their habits, behaviours and beliefs, making the unconscious conscious. This work assists you to make positive changes in your life and resolve what is holding you back so you can feel and live your best life.

I am writing a book incorporating my learning to inspire people to expand their world, let go, create new experiences and be happy.

I paint, love books, nature, the sunshine, the moon, and all creatures. I am fascinated by humans and how unique and the same we all are in our thinking, needs, habits and quirkiness.

I encourage everyone who wants to live a more joyful life, to evolve and expand to transform their experience of the world, to come and learn to meditate and/ or book some therapy sessions. It is the greatest gift one could give oneself.

There is no better time than now to give this opportunity of renewal and expansion to yourself and step into who you really are, to free your true authentic self.

I look forward to meeting you.

With love and gratitude,


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