vedic meditation

A state of bliss. meditate wherever you are.

What is Vedic Meditation?

Vedic Meditation is an effortless practice that anyone can learn. It is a practice that allows easy access to a field of calm that exists in everyone. In every person you know, there is a level of the mind deep within that is already calm, quiet, peaceful and the source of our creativity, intelligence and happiness.

The technique allows you to naturally transcend and go to deep states of rest, allowing the body to dissolve the build up of stress, tension and fatigue.

When we meditate, our brains and nervous system move out of fight-flight mode and start repairing, engaging the parasympathetic nervous system where we rest, digest, heal and restore.

Cultivating a more stable nervous system which is the key to a healthy mind, relationships, and engaging in all aspects of life.

We begin to gain insights and understand ourselves better. It is practical and effective. It is the most effective antidote to stress. It is a life skill. Transforming your relationship with yourself and all around you.

the how?

Vedic Meditation comes from an ancient body of knowledge over 5000 years old called the Veda.

This technique is easy, effortless, there is no focus, concentration or control of the mind, no need to shut out thoughts.

You are given a personal mantra and are taught how to use it. The resonance of the mantra allows the mind to transcend to deeper states of rest.

We sit easily and comfortably with our eyes closed.

When you learn the correct technique and instruction it is effortless and enjoyable.

This is a simple technique perfect for busy people living in this high demand world with busy minds, allowing you to become less stressed, more calm and feel happier.

Once you have learnt, you can practice without the need of a teacher, you become a completely independent meditator (of course we are here if you need us and love for you to be part of the community).


integrating the practice

We recommend that you meditate 20 minutes twice a day, for maximum results. This will create lasting long term beneficial change to your wellbeing and way of life.

We have 1140 minutes in a day, we are investing 40 minutes to enhance the rest. It is a relatively short amount of time each day in meditation practice, so that your life becomes better, more engaging, more beautiful.

Curious to know more? Book in an introductory session, meet the teacher and get all your questions answered.


Who is it for?

Anyone can learn from the ages of 5 years old. You do not need to have any beliefs and it is not religious, it is from the incredible ancient wisdom of The Veda. This is a technique that has incredible benefits to our wellbeing.

Hunters and gathers spent some of their time sourcing food and the rest of the time they just hung out, cooking together, eating together, dancing, creating art, sharing the needs of the tribe.

In this modern digital world, the demands on us are high, we just keep going all day long and night long. This has created really serious consequences for our health and our brain effecting our mood, behaviours and enjoyment of life.

We normalise how we feel and how we manage life, humans have incredible resilience and coping mechanisms.

What if you can change how you are feeling and feel a deep sense of inner contentedness, happiness and feel grounded without the need to change the outer world?

When we meditate we find a new way of being, a new normal, wellbeing is innate in all of us, if we know how to create the right environment for our mind and bodies, it is a natural process.

We all deserve to feel good, healthy and happy.
